Two Movie Recommendations
We've seen two really good movies lately, each one was sad but with a dash of hope sprinkled in. They made me think of the myth of Pandora's box. The story goes that Zeus decides to punish the mortals by sending to earth a beautiful but silly woman named Pandora. He gives her a box and tells her never to open it. But like Adam and Eve, her curiosity gets the better of her and she eventually opens the box unleashing hate, envy, greed, slander, sickness, disease, war and every other evil unknown to mankind...but at the bottom of the box is hope, in the form of a pure and simple flower.
The movies are The Motorcycle Diaries and Born Into Brothels. I came away from both movies wanting to be a missionary. It seems like bringing hope to people with no hope is what really matters in this life, people with leprosy, people oppressed by their governments and treated unjustly, children with no future, criminals, those afflicted with AIDS. I want my life to show love like Christ's even if only one person receives the flower.
we really like the motorcycle diaries too.
By Anonymous, at Fri Feb 17, 10:51:00 AM EST
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