
10 April 2006

Now Batting...#1...Shortstop for the Indians...

Oak's first baseball game was was a lot of fun watching him & his team (including Ezra y Asa) play. Oak did really good, as he had an in-the-park home run and a single (see below pict after his single). Best of all, he had a lot of fun.

Some kid's leagues give you 5 strikes and other concessions, but this league plays by regular ball rules: 3 strikes and you're out. On Oak's home run, he really worked the count as he missed twice, fouled it a couple times, and then had a good solid hit up the middle.

Any ball player always talk about how it's better to get a win than to have good stats. For instance, fast-approaching-Babe-Ruth (and steroid addict) Barry Bonds recently said in response to his slow start (just 2 hits) to the season, "...I'll take a 2-for-the-rest-of-the-season as long as we win the World Series." But do they really mean it when they say they'd rather win than have fantastic stats? I don't know, maybe I'd feel different if I was in their shoes, but at least with Barry, I'm not so sure he took steroids just to win one for the team.


  • nice to see oak out there having a good time, and nice work on the in the park home run. it's the hardest ot get!!! can't wait to see you guys and hang out some.


    By Blogger andrew, at Mon Apr 10, 09:38:00 PM EST  

  • You look like a pro Oak, we're looking forward to seeing you play!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Apr 11, 09:38:00 AM EST  

  • Man, in the park homer!!! Is this T ball or Baseball? Either way I'm impressed. Dana is just starting to get into baseball, its pretty cool.

    On another note below (I hope this doesn't betray blog etiquette, to comment on another post from here) I can't believe how old and big Dove is already. I guess we rarely see you guys these days.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 03, 07:58:00 PM EST  

  • Matt: sorry for the long delay in responding, but Oak was playing baseball. You'll have to get Dana into T-ball next year, it's a lot of fun.

    Wish we saw you guys a bit more...congrats on the new teaching job.

    By Blogger scott, at Fri May 26, 09:45:00 AM EST  

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